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Home Linksys WRT54GL IPv6 performance
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Linksys WRT54GL IPv6 performance test report

In the face of transitioning to a new generation of Internet Protocol, namely IPv6, weare currently in the phase of testing and trial deployments of IPv6-based networksand products. Much of the available vendor equipment has undergone extensiveperformance, conformance and functional testing so far, and first results on IPv6Internet performance show more than satisfactory results. However, there is stillsome skepticism present, claiming that e2e connectivity provisioning over IPv6 mighthave considerable issue in home/consumer and services segments. Therefore, furthertesting is required to prove performance efficiency of IPv6 compared to IPv4 andtherewith accelerate its global adoption and appreciation.


This test report gives an insight into router performances over IPv6 versus IPv4 for a popular and widely used consumer router equipment Linksys WRT54GL.



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Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 June 2011 13:57