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In the spotlight

Here are some selected references of the LTFE TestCenter team.


Strategic partnership with Spirent

It is a privilege to work with people who appreciate the fundamental role of testing in optimizing business efficiency and reinforcing a culture of quality and customer satisfaction,” commented David Hill, vice president, EMEA at Spirent Communications.



Strategic partner of the Slovenian go6 initiative

Co-founder of Sintesio

1st ETSI-endorsed NGN Interoperability test site in Slovenia


IPv6 Forum logos, courses and trainers

IPv6 Enabled WWW logo (IPv6 Forum validated )

IPv6 Education Certification (IPv6 Forum Aprooved) 

  • Certified Course Gold
  • Certified Trainer Gold

Selected patent applications

SEDLAR, Urban, KOS, Andrej, BEŠTER, Janez, ZEBEC, Luka. Click-to-dial service on IPTV : patentna prijava št. 08468001.6, datum prijave 18. 2. 2008. Munich [etc.]: European Patent Office, 2008.

LIKAR, Bojan, POSEL, Robert, KALAGASIDIS, Andreas, BEŠTER, Janez, KOS, Andrej, VOLK, Mojca, SEDLAR, Urban, MALI, Luka, STERLE, Janez. A method for 4G node frequency selection : appl. assignement 501291859A, 2010-09-16. Alexandria: United States Patent and Trademark Office, 2010.

LIKAR, Bojan, POSEL, Robert, KALAGASIDIS, Andreas, BEŠTER, Janez, KOS, Andrej, VOLK, Mojca, SEDLAR, Urban, MALI, Luka, STERLE, Janez. A method for cognitive 4G neighborhood selection : appl. assignement 501308651A, 2010-10-01. Alexandria: United States Patent and Trademark Office, 2010.

LIKAR, Bojan, POSEL, Robert, KALAGASIDIS, Andreas, BEŠTER, Janez, KOS, Andrej, VOLK, Mojca, SEDLAR, Urban, MALI, Luka, STERLE, Janez. A method for congestion avoidance in 4G networks : appl. assignement 501290992A, 2010-09-16. Alexandria: United States Patent and Trademark Office, 2010.

LIKAR, Bojan, POSEL, Robert, KALAGASIDIS, Andreas, JAVORNIK, Tomaž, KANDUS, Gorazd, STERLE, Janez, SEDLAR, Urban, BEŠTER, Janez, KOS, Andrej, MALI, Luka. A method for self organizing network operation : patentna prijava 12/827,965. [S. l.]: US Patent Office, 30. jun. 2010.

LIKAR, Bojan, POSEL, Robert, KALAGASIDIS, Andreas, JAVORNIK, Tomaž, KANDUS, Gorazd, MOHORČIČ, Mihael, ŠVIGELJ, Aleš, BEŠTER, Janez, KOS, Andrej, SMOLNIKAR, Miha. Iterative localization techniques : patentna prijava 12/825.048. [S. l.]: US Patent Office, 28. jun. 2010.


Selected publications

STEGEL, Tine, STERLE, Janez, BEŠTER, Janez, KOS, Andrej. SCTP association between multi-homed endpoints over NAT using NSLP. Elektroteh. vestn., 2008, vol. 75, no. 5, pp. 277-284

KOS, Andrej, VOLK, Mojca, BEŠTER, Janez. Quality assurance in the IMS-based NGN environment. V: CRANLEY, Nicola (ur.), MURPHY, Liam (ur.). Handbook of research on wireless multimedia : quality of service and solutions. Hershey; New York: Information Science Reference, cop. 2009, pp. 240-257

VOLK, Mojca, ŠTULAR, Mitja, BEŠTER, Janez, KOS, Andrej, TOMAŽIČ, Sašo. IP multimedia subsystems (IMS). V: FURHT, Borivoje (ur.). Encyclopedia of wireless and mobile communications. Boca Raton; New York: Taylor & Francis Group: Auerbach Publications, cop. 2008, vol. 1, pp. 462-572

VOLK, Mojca, GUNA, Jože, KOS, Andrej, BEŠTER, Janez. Quality-assured provisioning of IPTV services within the NGN environment. IEEE commun. mag. (Print). [Print ed.], May 2008, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 118-126

SEDLAR, Urban, ZEBEC, Luka, BEŠTER, Janez, KOS, Andrej. Bringing click-to-dial functionality to IPTV users. IEEE commun. mag. (Print). [Print ed.], Mar. 2008, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 118-125

PETERNEL, Blaž, KOS, Andrej. Broadband access network planning optimization considering real copper cable lengths. IEICE trans. commun., Aug. 2008, vol. E91-B, no. 8, pp. 2525-2532

VOLK, Mojca, STERLE, Janez, SEDLAR, Urban, KOS, Andrej. An approach to modeling and control of QoE in next generation networks. IEEE commun. mag. (Print). [Print ed.], Aug. 2010, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 126-135

STERLE, Janez, VOLK, Mojca, SEDLAR, Urban, BEŠTER, Janez, KOS, Andrej. Application-based NGN QoE controller. IEEE commun. mag. (Print). [Print ed.], Jan. 2011, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 92-101.

Last Updated on Thursday, 09 June 2011 12:29